Presses & Publishers of Disability Diversity

The following is a list of presses and publishers specializing in diverse lit and writing by / for people with disabilities, including mental illness, or about the disability / mental health experience.

* Inclusion here does not equal endorsement. Please do your own research before querying, especially for self-publishing options.

All links are current as of August 2020. If you find a non-working link, or if you know a publisher that should be added to / deleted from this list, please let me know.

Thank you!

— Nicole Melanson


39 West Press

39 West Press is an independent book publisher committed to releasing books that encourage critical thinking and promote constructive discourse on key social, cultural, political, and economic issues affecting life in the U.S. We publish books of art, poetry, literary fiction, and creative non-fiction, thereby promoting a diverse range of experiences and voices, including but not limited to people of color, gender diversity, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA, as well as historically marginalized populations.



Blair is a new, nonprofit press combining the lists of Carolina Wren Press and John F. Blair, Publisher. We strive to publish quality writing, focusing on authors and subjects historically neglected by mainstream publishers, including women, people of color, authors with disabilities, and LGBT authors. True to our roots in North Carolina, we look to the many voices of the South—and beyond—as sources of work and inspiration.


Chipmunka Publishing

We publish mental health books to give a voice to writers with mental health experiences around the world. We also give a voice to family members of people with mental health experiences and many other disabilities. (Please note that Chipmunka operates on a self-publishing Print-on-Demand model.)


Finishing Line Press

Although not a disability-centric press as such, FLP has established a solid reputation for publishing exceptional writers, many of whom identify as disabled.


Handtype Press

Handtype Press is a company that showcases the finest literature and art created by signers, Deaf and hearing alike, or about the Deaf or signing experience the world over.



INCLUDAS Publishing works to bring disability diversity to readers. We represent diverse artists who identify with a particular ability status, as well as works that have a main character with any disability.


Oleb Books

Based out of Minneapolis, disability publisher Oleb Books seeks to expand representation of disability in literature, or D Lit, by publishing disability stories by writers with disabilities.


Reclamation Press

We publish books by people within diverse disability communities. We seek authors living at intersections such as disability, race, and class.


Squares & Rebels

In 2012, Squares & Rebels was created by Handtype Press to bring out books initially about the LGBT experience in the Midwest. With the publication of QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology, however, S&R has expanded its focus to include books that explore the queer and/or disability experience regardless of one’s region of origin.


SFK Press

SFK Press is an independent publisher based in Metro Atlanta. SFK Press seeks book-length fiction by fearless authors. Our mission is to tell a million tales of y’all mean ALL, with a Southern accent. We especially encourage submissions from indigenous, LGBTQIA+, disabled, current or previously incarcerated, and non-binary people, women, and people of color.


Sword & Kettle Press

We seek out meaningful representation for voices & characters that have not been historically included in mainstream fantasy & speculative fiction. We look for writers with diverse perspectives: writers of color; women writers; queer writers; disabled & neurodivergent writers; writers with different ethnic, religious, and class backgrounds; writers of different ages.



Trigger Publishing is an altruistic mental health and wellbeing publisher. We share uplifting and inspirational mental health stories and publish self-help books to aid people in their own recovery. Trigger includes self-publishing and children’s imprints.

20 thoughts on “Presses & Publishers of Disability Diversity

  1. Hi Nicole,

    Are these magazine publishers, or Book publishers, I’m looking to publish a book (4 of them) and looking to do it in less than 6 months, in paperback and hardcover. I submitted a few to Blair, and my mom got a Blair magazine, and I’m like I thought they were a book publisher, not a magazine publisher.
    Any recommendations for a book publisher when I have a limited income, (SSI) and striving to get off SSI. I must keep within my limits till I receive a book deal, that too I need info on…

    Thank you,


    • Hi, Charles. These are book publishers, though sometimes presses do also put out their own magazines. From what I can see on Blair’s submission guidelines, you need to approach them via an agent or enter their contests. This is quite common amongst smaller presses as they don’t have the resources to read lots of unsolicited manuscripts. If you are working with a tight budget, I’d avoid any contests that incur a fee (though some do offer free subs to marginalized writers) and self-publishing options. Look for small presses with free, open submissions, contests without entry fees, and literary agents who might be interesting in representing your work. Good luck! 🙂 Nicole


      • Do you know of any I should look for that have open submissions, contests without entry fees, and literary agents, because I wouldn’t have the slightest idea, also one with a short time frame to publish the work…

        Liked by 1 person

      • You’d have to look through the individual listing pages as they’re all different things. Open submissions and contests bypass literary agents. Literary agents can open more doors for you, but the time to publication would be slower because you have to connect with them first.


  2. OK i am confused i am a Christian Writer with a disability and reasonable disabled
    i am looking for a literary agent and publisher so that i can establish myself i will put a introductory submissions forum Letter ?
    Hello My Name, is Thomas Boston
    I am a person with a Disability and Veteran and now Christian Writer Believer Servant and Witness
    I am Contacting your organization agency or company in an effort to gain a leg up and accomplish a particular goal with respect to my struggle or the struggle of others around me that have no Voice of Measure
    In consideration of the fact that I am a Former US Army Military Police officer that is the only education have to speak of and with the disability ASD or Autistic Spectrum Disorder it is immensely more difficult
    Rather than be the one with my hand up in line I hope to create resources and opportunities that the company can profit thru to sustain Gardens not Guns and my company in an effort to one day stand and offer scholarships and grants to students and interns working in increase an broaden the definition of a quality of life that has measure to some degree that is impactful positive and reaching.
    As a writer I have 2 books
    1. CFP Christian Faith Publishing the Face of Deception

    2. CBP Covenant Books Publishing the Unspoken Covenant

    3. Un designated His Emissary of Truth an autobiography about Pastor Charles Stanley

    4. Undesignated His Ambassador of Faith autobiography about Pastor Tony Evans
    Sincerely : T. Boston
    Christian Faith Writer / Author Thomas Boston

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Thomas. Thanks for getting in touch. My advice would be to pick ONE project and focus on pitching that. Your letter becomes a bit muddled when you start mentioning all the causes you’re passionate about. You also say you’ve written 2 books, but then list 4. So, I’d choose the one that seems strongest and build a query letter around that particular book – genre, word count, synopsis etc. Anything you share about yourself as a writer should be immediately relevant to the work. Hope that helps! Kind regards, Nicole


  3. Hi, I am a neurodivergent person. I am writing a book about making sewing more accessible to disabled people. Can you recommend if any of your publishers would consider a book of this type?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Rebecca. Thanks for getting in touch. I’m not personally familiar with these presses so what I’d suggest is looking at the ones that publish non-fiction and taking it from there. You might also look for other books about sewing at libraries and bookstores to see who published them – this will give you a better idea of where your book fits the market and how to pitch it. Good luck!


Penny for your thoughts?